Petteo Ragdoll Cattery

Petteo Ragdoll Cattery



Ragdoll Cat Breed Kitten Care

The best way to acclimate a new Petteo Ragdoll kitten to your home is to choose a bathroom or a small area where there is no where for the kitten to hide. Set up food, water, and litter in the room for when the kitten arrives. Leave the kitten in this small area for at least a few hours. Take the kitten out as often as you want, but keep them on your lap while petting them to make them feel safe.

Once you are sure your kitten is eating, drinking, and using the litter box correctly, then you can slowly allow them to explore the rest of the house. You should repeatably take the kitten back to the area with its litter box to make sure it knows its location.

Be patient with your new kitten. It can take a few days for kittens to settle in and feel safe in their new home.

Introduce other pets in the household gradually. Ragdolls typically are fearless and love everyone, so it shouldn’t take long for them to become accustomed to interacting with other  home pets. However, remember every cat is different. Some may take longer than others

Kitten Essentials

All my kittens are currently being fed Royal Canin Kitten dry food. I suggest switching to Royal Canin Ragdoll Adult dry cat food and Royal Canin Digest Sensitive wet cat food at 12 months of age.

If you wish to use a different type of cat food, you should gradually transition to a new brand by mixing in a small amount of new food on day one, increasing the amount of new food over 7 days time until transition is complete. Failure to provide the food your kitten is accustomed to during the first several days in its new home can result in upset stomach, diarrhea, weight loss and/or constipation, which can lead to other, more serious health issues.

Another important note is Ragdolls tend to have a more sensitive stomach than other cat breeds. I suggest not feeding them too many treats or human food. Otherwise, it will cause them to have diarrhea.

Your kitten has been litter-box-trained using Ever Clean® Extra Strong Clumping Cat Litter - Unscented. Please purchase at least one bag of this or similar litter to use on top of other type of litter you want to change to.

The litter box should be shown to the kitten several times until you’re sure they know where it is. New kittens are often very excited about exploring their new home and may forget the location of the box if not taken to it multiple times. As the kitten gains access to the whole house and becomes familiar with the layout, the box can be moved from the small area you placed the kitten in to a more discreet, permanent location.

My adult cats use – an automatic, self-cleaning litter box. My kittens are also trained to use the Litter Robot before they go to their new home. They do not weigh enough to activate the Litter Robot on their own until about 4 – 5 months old, but the Litter Robot is still a more convenient litter box method. 

If not starting with the Litter Robot, I suggest starting your kitten off with a flat or cubby hole entry litter box. The most frightening for a kitten is the flap style litter box, so I do not recommend this type until the kitten is older. Otherwise, the kitten may be too scared to go through the flap and start using the floor for a litter box or some other obscure location, like your bed.

Kitten Proof Your Home Checklist

✔️Eliminate escape routes 

Before your Ragdoll kitten arrives, check all windows and doors to make sure they cannot escape the house. Ragdolls are indoor cats that should remain inside at all times. If you decide to take a Ragdoll outside, they must be supervised.

✔️Remove poisonous plants

Some indoor plants are poisonous to cats. Check ASPCA’s list of toxic plants to know which plants should be removed or kept out of reach from your Ragdoll kitten.

✔️Secure other poisonous substances in safe locations

Other poisonous substances such as cleaning supplies, nail polish remover, medication, paint, etc. should be secured in safe locations where your Ragdoll kitten can not get to them.

✔️Secure breakable items in safe locations

Make sure breakable items are secured in safe locations. Don’t leave items you don’t want falling on the ground too close to the edge of counters, tables, or shelves.

✔️Secure sharp objects in safe locations

All sharp objects such as knives, needles, scissors, etc. should be secured in safe locations out of reach from your Ragdoll kitten.

✔️Secure all wires in safe locations

Ragdoll kittens loves to play with wires and sometimes chew on them. Secure wires out of reach of kittens to prevent wire damage.

✔️Leave all toilet seats down

Develop the habit of always leaving the toilet seat down. You don’t want a Ragdoll kitten to accidentally fall in or drink water from the toilet.

✔️Familiarize yourself with possible hiding spots

Ragdoll kittens love to find places they can hide. You should familiarize yourself with possible cat hideouts throughout your home such as underneath beds, behind furniture, in laundry baskets, etc. Confirm all these locations are safe. You wouldn’t want your new kitten to accidentally get stuck behind a washing machine.

Ragdoll Cat Grooming

Please DO NOT declaw your kitten.

I would  suggest trimming your kitten’s nails regularly. It keeps your kitten from getting their nails caught in fabric which can be painful to the kitten. When the kitten is quiet, gently massage her feet to get her use to being handled. Then, gently push the claw forward and use cat nail trimmers or ordinary nail clippers to nip off the end. Be extra careful not to get too close to the quick. Watch this Video to learn more about how to trim a kitten’s claws.

I also suggest bathing, blow drying, and brushing your kitten regularly. If you are planning to show your cat, it is important to get them used to being washed and blow dried. You will want them to look their best when it comes time to show them.

Kittens should also have their teeth regularly cleaned to prevent dental issues in the future. Start by using your finger with cat toothpaste to clean your kitten’s teeth. Once your cat gets used to your finger, you can try using the small toothbrush included with the toothpaste.

To clean your cat’s ears and eyes, use a cotton ball with warm water to gently remove wax and eye discharge.

Signs You Should Take Your Ragdoll Kitten to the Vet

When caring for a Ragdoll kitten, it is important to know the signs when your Ragdoll should be taken to a veternarian. Knowing the early signs of bad health conditions can help prevent further complications. Here are some early signs your Ragdoll kitten should see a veternarian:

🩺Abnormal behavior

Always trust your instincts. If you notice changes in your kitten’s behavior such as being lethargic, avoiding interaction, or increasing vocalization, you should take your Ragdoll kitten to a veternarian. Changes in behavior could be signs your kitten has health issues.

🩺Changes in litter box use

If your Ragdoll kitten starts going to the bathroom outside of its clean litter box, take them to the vet to be checked. You should also take your kitten to the vet if you notice changes in urine or stool such as diarrhea or blood. These could be signs your kitten has a health issue.

🩺Changes in eating habits

You should watch your Ragdoll kitten’s eating habits to make sure they are eating properly. If you notice a loss of appetite or vomiting, take your kitten to the vet to be checked.

🩺Changes in appearance

Extreme hair loss or discolored gums are also causes concern. Take your kitten to the vet if you notice these changes.

🩺Cold symptoms: sneezing, coughing, or eye discharge

Sneezing, coughing, and eye discharge are signs your Ragdoll kitten has a cold. If these symptoms persist or worsen, take your kitten to a veternarian. They might prescribe an antibiotic if your kitten has an upper respiratory infection.

🩺To help with early detection of health issues

I suggest taking your Ragdoll to the vet for yearly checkups as well as for their dental cleanings and vaccines.

Peter and Teo
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